The rose apple

Organic App

  • The rose apple actually looks a bit like a pear. And they taste more like watermelon than apple. The fruit has nothing to do with roses or apples. They are a bit the size of an apple and are often red, but then we have had the similarities.

    Again, it doesn't matter how you look, because rose apples are tasty and fresh. You see them a lot in Thailand, where they are called chompoe, but they probably originate from Malaysia.

    They are green and a bit purple, but you usually see the red variety. The rose apple, which only tastes a bit like apple, contains 90% water and tastes a bit sour and sweet. You eat them with peel and all. The aftertaste is a bit bitter.

    That's why Thai people sometimes throw some sugar over it, most Dutch people will find that too sweet. You usually only see rose apples in the areas where they grow. Because they ripen very quickly and have a very thin skin, they are easily damaged and therefore difficult to transport over long distances. Most of the time, we say, because those who search well can find them in Europe.

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    ONOFF SPICES makes natural and organic ready-to-use Thai soups, curry pastes and wok sauces for European gourmets. The production is sustainable, with an eye for nature.

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